There are several events throughout our lives that require a level of planning down to the most minute detail. Vacations, weddings, first days of school, and moving from one home to the other. If we attempted any of these without putting a decent amount of thought to them first, there is certainly no way we could expect them to come off successfully. Why do we think our funeral is an occasion that we can put off planning for?
Speaking with the Journal-Times of Racine, Wisconsin, Anne Meredith of Maresh-Meredith and Acklam Funeral Home explains that preplanning a funeral is about more than simply picking out a casket. “They’re sharing their whole life,” Meredith said of the process. She said preplanning allows for “personalizing and selecting the funeral of your choice and your budget.”
Preplanning Funerals Is Trending Upwards
Nationwide, funeral professionals are noting that more and more individuals are coming to them to plan their end-of-life arrangements. It goes beyond what was done even just a few years ago. Gone are the days where burial plots and caskets are purchased quietly, only to be revealed just before they are used. Today, individuals are making plans for all aspects of their final remembrances, including caskets, burial plots, and how their memorial will be carried out.
“I have seen more and more preplanning; I just don’t see enough of it,” said Steve Bedard, supervisor of Mound and Graceland cemeteries in Racine. “Everybody preplans for everything else but not [this funeral that] is going to happen.”
It’s Never Too Soon
Understanding our mortality becomes easier as we get older. Taking that knowledge and acting on it is the next logical step. Take a moment to ask yourself how you would like to be remembered. Do you want a traditional burial service, or is cremation right for you? Are there specific songs and readings you want at your memorial? Where do you want your final resting place to be? These questions and more can be addressed with the professional staff at John P. Donohue Funeral Home. Call us today to discuss your preplanning options: (610) 991-8842.